Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Rex Build 1.6 (Sunroof & Interior Strip)

i'm back...after a long time i guess. since i have the net at home, i can continue where i left before...
actually my rex is having a very long sleep already (due to discharge battery/alternator for not having it started for a long time...never do this please), just now i had a new battery replacement. don't ask about the brand, it's cap ayam (janji boleh jalan sudahhh....). news from taukeh kedai battery, "tak lama lagi harga bateri musti mau naik lagi woo, kalau u tak percaya u boleh cek dlm itu internet, itu harga timah sudah naik woo...." i dont know wheter i have to believe that since for me it just a some kind of business trick. everybody do that, some more i still can't get some discount from this apek for MS12 century battery, damn!!

for the past month, i did some godek2 on my rex while im bored. i'm planning to strip my interior and service my sunroof because its been leaking since the day i ride it (I know it was long ago already....). cant stand to be a moving 'kolam ikan' anymore. so the progress begin...

Sunroof motor, still in mint condition
a stubborn rust on the roof panel.
looks good enough from far....
half rear plastic trim, got to get rid of the 'flame'...
all part rip off...

actually i'm planning to refabricate a fibre roof panel if possible but still waiting for a good fibre shop to do that. from what i've been observing there is no shop in kemaman can do that...pity me.
so guess i have to wait for the sun to shine on me...again....hope my battery will stand that be continued.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Rex Build 1.5 ( New Stuff )

i'm totally lazy to write, so here's a peak on my new parts....