Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Rex Blog 1.4.1 (Shock Services)

now we continue....

the acid soaking took me almost a night to finish, plus its a week day, plus i still have to clean the mess i've made so i don't have to hear my wife babble...hehe, but i just left the abs fully soak for a night to make sure all the rust completely gone. its really hard to catch my breath in there so i need to get some fresh air sometimes..not in my own toilet for sure....

it's almost 2 AM...and still continue....until i'm really flat out and sleepy....

so the weekends come, yet still a lot of work to do. i should start primer coating on the progressive spring and its alloy section early in the morning but my warm blanket keep me so comfy i cant get over it :P. i try to lay a thin coat before i went to Jumaat prayer, then i'll continue after that. and the process continue...

spring gantung murah murah, sape mau.....lelong lelong...

this is the pitted one, hope it'll stand....

got this also...and below is the abs after a nice hot tub and spa, apply a layer of oil to avoid them to rust again.

this ia one stubborn tar on the abs thread. it's hard to get rid of it even how hard i try...so i just leave it there, maybe the adjuster spanner can do the job

so here is the completed abs. im so happy this work was finish at last. brought it to nearest workshop to get it done. unluckily, after few try on shaft playable, it seem like this abs wont even stand even for a month!!!!!it's useless effort i done this while, and this feel just great!!!!im f**ked up big time after all my works is worthless. God knows how frustrated i am. so i rest my case...


  1. Gatal tangan gi godeh sapa suruh? Hahahah.

    Mana ko bli ni wei?

  2. giler ko...aku bru je servis dow,kasi cantek sket buang karat....alih2 kono buang teros,huahuahua...shaft dh bengkok,pitted....time bli shaft xnampak...beli kt abg bob ko la.


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