Monday, September 28, 2009

My Rex Build 1.5.2 (New Stuff)

i'm just got back home here in kemaman, breathing peacefully since my baby was all intact,in one what i've mention earlier,my hope for getting my sunroof fixed after raya was left as a false hope...the thing only can be done this Wednesday...i think i've already give this guy enuff time to get the job done...maybe they can finished a paintjob for 4 car by that time....sigh....nah bout it.

a day before raya,i received 2 separate packages delivered in 2 different address (one here in kemaman,another back in my in law in Ipoh). guess this will be my raya gift bought by myself for myself (man,i don't do raya shopping except for this,trust me...). the stuff in the packages was a pair of 'Spoon Type One' sticker (i gave this to my bro in law for his SatNeo since i saw him 'belek'ing it for about.....i dunno,many time maybe....hehe),1 piece of 'I Love CRX' cutout sticker, and another big twin packages consist of Mugen Sport Absorber. i do hope this one will function perfectly since i already had a bad time with one of the adjustable i bought last time.

so guys,here's another snap of it.

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